The More Beautiful Disney Characters!
The photographer who turned her studio into a fanciful palace for kids with Down syndrome

Draw aside the curtains and enjoy watching the best Disney movie you can ever have.
It is not a movie in the full sense of the word but rather a fabulous photo shoot series of your favorite Disney characters.
The series feature photos taken of charming babies with Down syndrome selected by the British photographer Nicole Louise as part of her campaign “Down with Disney”.
They are 32 extremely charming, kind kids who make everyone around them feel happy.
Each of them picked up his/her favorite Disney characters. Then Nicole depicted their real-life Disney characters in her simple photography studio.
Now, the 24-year old British young woman uncovers to us the details of her campaign and introduce to us her baby heroes.
The fanciful palace of 32 baby heroes & heroines!

A camera, Disney costumes, simple accessories, and 32 kids– all make up Nicole’s fanciful palace, which she created in a room of her house.
Her ultimate goal was to raise awareness of Down syndrome and CELEBRATE the beauty of these kids.
Her passion for this artistic work grew as she works in a school for kids with disabilities.
She said:
“I love every moment I spend with them. Anyone who sees how happy are these kids must feel like they have do something for that,”
Through this campaign, she hopes to show “there is much we can learn if we spend more time with them.”
Nicole has made use of her experience in photography, which she began to learn three years ago and practiced on her weekends and school holidays; she employed all her expertise in photographing children and launching awareness campaigns on them, the first of which was “Down with Disney”.
Close your eyes and imagine that big, charming palace housing the most beautiful princesses and the mightiest heroes.
Beauty and the Beast, the Lion King, Aladdin, Peter Pan, Snow White, Cinderella, the Little Mermaid, Woody, Merida, and Elsa–all of them have made their way to Nicole’s studio.
"If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It" Disney

Each of the children has a story, which we are ready to tell out

There is something magical about Disney, and Nicole herself is a big fan of its characters.
Therefore, she thought that it would be perfect to rely on it for its campaign.
Indeed, the photos were perfect. They gave each of these children the opportunity to choose their favorite character and wear its costume.
Their joy was very clear in each of the photoshoots.

They felt as if they were truly one of their favorite fanciful characters. At the same time, “the photos taken have raised awareness of Down syndrome,” Nicole explained.
But it does not stop here!
In addition to all the artistic images, parents of each child wrote stories about their experiences. “They’re ready to give advice to new parents who are expecting a new child with Down syndrome,” she explained.
The results have been incredible!

The campaign Nicole launched at the end of 2019 has achieved a great popularity.
For instance, its Facebook page alone got thousands of shares and millions of likes.
“The response has been incredible,” Nicole said.
The young woman has received many messages from women expecting new babies with Down syndrome. One woman once told her, “I won’t be worried anymore, especially after seeing the amazing photos you have taken of them.”
This massive response and wide spread of the images encouraged Nicole to launch another awareness campaign this year, 2020, on a different theme than Disney.
She says, “Many of the words that people sent me have meant much to me, particularly that there is a growing concern among pregnant women when they know that the fetus may have Down syndrome.”
“I hope these campaigns can give them more ideas about what the future can bring with their child and make them feel more positive about it,” she added.
In Britain alone, "the miscarriage rate for families who discover that their child has Down syndrome is 90%," Nicole explained.

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“Children with Down syndrome feel very happy because they are there.
They bring us a different sort of happiness. Indeed, they are truly a blessing,” Nicole